- <Prashanth> Hello
- <Prashanth> My name is Prashanth
- <Prashanth> i would like to get started with development
- <Prashanth> for Virtualbox
- <Prashanth> can you help me with how i can go about it ?
- <Prashanth> is there any wiki ?
- <MichalN> Prashanth: Asking your favorite search engine would provide answers much faster.
- <Prashanth> MichalN: No success there
- <MichalN> Maybe you should ask more specific questions then.
- <Prashanth> MichalN: Where is the core code where the machine instructions of the host VM get executed in the code ?
- <MichalN> Too late, but the answer is "if you can't find where the core code lives in the source tree, you definitely won't be able to do anything with it".
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